The Technical Assistance for Strengthening Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Project Launched

The Directorate for EU Affairs, which functions as the lead institution in the Fundamental Rights Sub-field of Türkiye - EU financial cooperation, launched the “Technical Assistance for Strengthening Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Project” on 18 January 2022. The project aims to strengthen the institutional cooperation and coordination in the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Fundamental Rights Sub-field. The project will be implemented for 24 months in close cooperation with all stakeholders, with its three components and in line with a unique operational plan.

The three components of the project are:
  • Establishment of a functioning Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform,
  • Improvement of the capacity on fundamental rights of the lead institution and members of the Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform,
  • Raising awareness of fundamental rights among stakeholders and the public.
The project will support the development of a common understanding on the thematic topics identified in cooperation with the stakeholders, while a “Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform” will be established to encourage coordination and cooperation in the IPA Fundamental Rights Sub-field. The platform, one of the important outcomes of the project, will ensure a more effective implementation of the programming activities in the area of fundamental rights. The platform is planned to function with the participation of a wide range of representatives from public institutions and non-governmental organizations. Thus, a portfolio of projects with high relevance in the fundamental rights sub-field, which can be put into implementation in a short time, will be developed in close cooperation with public institutions and civil society.
Introducing: Our Logo 

The protection and promotion of fundamental rights is the highest priority of the IPA Fundamental Rights Sub-field. Reflecting this priority, we are here with our logo inspired by the dandelion flower, the symbol of development, hope and healing.

The dandelion, known as the harbinger of spring and new beginnings, has a very strong character under its delicate appearance.  Its fast growing and beauty inspired us. 

We think that dandelions, which use the wind to help disperse its seeds, would fully reflect the projects in the fundamental rights sub-field.

We believe that fundamental rights and freedoms will become stronger in the face of the challenges of the new age. We see the projects in the area of fundamental rights as the seeds of this flower, and we are certain that Türkiye will get closer to the EU membership target by touching more lives with each project.
What We Have Done So Far?

Opening Ceremony Welcoming Stakeholders of the Project
The opening ceremony of the project was held at CSO Ada Ankara, on Friday, 13 May 2022 as a part of the Europe Day activities under the auspices of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı.

The opening ceremony welcomed the Delegation of the EU to Türkiye, representatives of EU member states and institutions responsible for the coordination, management and supervision of IPA funds in Turkey as public institutions and non-governmental organizations active in the area of fundamental rights. During the ceremony, the Technical Assistance for Strengthening Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Project and our logo was introduced to the participants.

In the panel focusing on Coordination in the Fundamental Rights Sub-field moderated by the Directorate for EU Affairs, the  distinguished experts from the Ombudsman Institution, the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye and the Union of Turkish Bar Associations shared their views and suggestions on how to achieve better coordination.

In his closing speech, Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated that projects on fundamental rights within the scope of Türkiye-EU Financial Cooperation made a significant difference in our EU harmonization process. He also underlined the importance and potential impact of increasing the number of projects within the scope of fundamental rights in the 2021-2027 period.

The ceremony was concluded with the Europe Day Concert by the Presidential Symphony Orchestra, organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
We Completed Stakeholder Meetings

Within the scope of the project focusing  on fundamental rights with a holistic perspective, we held meetings with 36 stakeholder institutions, including public bodies, international organizations and NGOs, and exchanged views on the project.

Within the first two months of the project until 17 March 2022, we received suggestions from various stakeholders with different expertise (36 women and 38 men). 
First Steering Committee Organized on 11 March 2022

The First Steering Committee Meeting of the Project, hosted by the Directorate for EU Affairs, was held on 11 March 2022. Among the members of the steering committee are the representatives of the Delegation of the EU to Türkiye, the Central Finance and Contracts Unit, as well as representatives of public institutions and NGOs.

During the meeting, we exchanged views with the distinguished members of the steering committee on the activities to be carried out during the inception phase of the project and the first six-month implementation.
Capacity Building Activities Started with a Needs Analysis
We conducted a needs analysis to identify the trainings for the capacity improvement of the institutions working in the Fundamental Rights Sub-field, to be delivered within the scope of our project.

In this context, we carried out a mapping study on the relevant EU acquis and international conventions to which Türkiye is a party, the national strategies and policy documents in the field of human rights in order to build a basis for trainings.

Simultaneously, with an intensive study covering the months of May and June, we conducted surveys and determined the training needs by meeting with our institutions one by one.

We met with the representatives of our stakeholders, who participated in the needs analysis studies, at the workshop held on 23 June 2022 in Ankara. The outcomes of the training needs analysis were shared with the participants within the coordination of Prof. Dr. Sanem Baykal- key expert of the Project.
First Six-Months of the Project

We held the first management meeting of the Project on 16 June 2022, where the first six months of the project were evaluated.

At the meeting, we discussed the completed activities as well as the upcoming period with the representatives of the Delegation of the EU to Türkiye and the Central Finance and Contracts Unit.
Current Developments on the
Fundamental Rights in the EU
European Commission Proposes New EU-wide Rules to Combat Violence against Women and Domestic Violence

The European Commission submitted the Proposal for a Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence [1] to the European Parliament and the European Council on 8 March 2022. The legislative procedure of the proposal is ongoing.

With the entry into force of the proposed directive,

  • A single authorized mechanism will be determined for all support and protection services in member states, which will strengthen victims' access to justice,
  • Sufficient professional protection and support will be provided through crisis centres and free of charge help lines,
  • Targeted support will be provided to groups at risk or with specific needs, including women fleeing armed conflict,
  • Specific protection measures will be provided to child and women victims of violence,
  • it will be ensured that the EU member states take the necessary minimum measures for prevention, protection, support, access to justice and coordination regarding victims of violence, and that these measures are monitored and implemented at the EU level,
  • A data collection tool will be developed for the first time by the European Institute for Gender Equality to measure violence against women and domestic violence.
Proposal for a New EU Directive for Improving the Presence of Women on Boards of Directors

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union announced on 7 June 2022 the political agreement on the Proposal for a Directive [2] on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges.

With the completion of the legislative process,

  • A minimum objective of a 40% presence of women among the non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges in the EU Member States or a minimum objective of a 33% presence of women among all directors in such companies will be set,
  • Regardless of gender, it will become mandatory to determine clear and transparent board appointment procedures by making an objective evaluation based on merit.
Regulation Establishing New Rules for Combating Terrorism on Online Platforms Entered into Force

The Regulation (EU) 2021/784 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2021 on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online [3] entered into force on 7 June 2022.

The Regulation aims to prevent the use of the online services for the purpose of disseminating terrorist content. In accordance with the Regulation, competent authorities will be established in member states responsible for detection of the terrorist content and coordination with hosting service providers. While the Regulation sets forth that terrorist content will be removed by the hosting service provider within one hour at the latest of the receipt of the removal order from the competent authority, it also introduces strong measures to ensure the full protection of freedom of expression and the right to information.

European Commission Proposes to Expand the List of EU Crimes to Include Hate Speech and Hate Crime

On 9 December 2021, the European Commission published a Communication [4] on extending the list of EU crimes in the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU to include hate speech and hate crime.

In the final declaration of the EU Justice Ministers Meeting on 4 February 2022, the Ministers of Justice of the EU member states announced that they support this initiative of the European Commission. With the completion of the legislative process, hate speech and hate crime will be listed as an EU crime like terrorism, human trafficking, illicit drug and arms trade, money laundering, cybercrime and organized crime.

Upcoming Activities of our Project
Training Sessions Starting in Fall

An intensive training program will start to address the needs of the fundamental rights sub-field.

In the light of the training needs analysis studies carried out between May and June and suggestions taken at the workshop, the training sessions will begin in the fall of 2022 within the scope of the capacity building component of the Project.

We Will Meet with Our Stakeholders Soon at Thematic Area Meetings

Along with the capacity building activities, meetings on ten thematic areas will be held between October and December 2022.

The thematic area meetings will play an important role in the Sector Coordination Platform to be established in the IPA Fundamental Rights Sub-field.

Before the event, the Directorate for EU Affairs will send to the relevant stakeholders letters of invitation giving information on the process in their respective fields.

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