1.1 Preparation of the Guidelines of the Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform
1.2 Operation of the Sector Coordination Platform
1.3 Organization of Online Meetings with the EU, Council of Europe and the UN Human Rights Units
1.4 Organization of Study Visits to European Institutions Active in the Field of Fundamental Rights
Project Activities
Outcome 1 - Establishment and Operation of the Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform
Outcome 2 - Development of the Capacity of the Lead Institution and the Members of the Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform on Fundamental Rights
2.1 Preparation of a Needs Assessment Study in the Fundamental Rights Sub-Field
2.2 Development of a Training Plan in the Fundamental Rights Sub-Field
2.3 Organization of Trainings on Fundamental Rights
2.4 Organization of Trainings on Project Management and Capacity Building
2.5 Mapping of Existing International Practical Tools, Strategies and Plans in the Field for the Protection of Fundamental Rights
2.6 Development of Tools on the Preparation and Monitoring of Strategies, Action Plans and Roadmaps
2.7 Organization of Workshops on the Preparation of Strategies, Action Plans and Roadmaps on Fundamental Rights
2.8 Conducting of a Survey Measuring the Progress and Impact of Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform Meetings as well as Project Trainings and Workshops
Outcome 3 - Raising Awareness of Stakeholder Institutions and the Public on Fundamental Rights
3.1 Preparation of the Project’s Communication and Visibility Plan and Develop the Sector Level Communication and Visibility Plan in line with the EU Visibility Manual
3.2 Preparation of the Project’s Visibility Materials
3.3 Organization the Project’s Launch Event
3.4 Evaluation of the Projects Realized in the IPA II Period in the Fundamental Rights Sub-Field
3.5 Development of a Database of Publications in the Field of Fundamental Rights
3.6 Preparation of a Handbook, Comparative Studies and Information Forms on Fundamental Rights
3.7 Identification, Translation and Publication of Publications in the Field of Fundamental Rights
3.8 Preparation of Compilations and Infographics under the Projects Funded in the IPA II Period in the Field of Fundamental Rights
3.9 Preparation of Newsletters
3.10 Organization of the Project’s Closure Event