IPA II Fundamental Rights

IPA II Fundamental Rights



The Rule of Law and the Fundamental Rights sector is one of the nine sectors financed during the IPA II period for the years 2014-2020 carried out by the European Commission with a sectoral approach.

The Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights sector, determined by considering the priorities of the EU accession process and our national priorities, consists of the sub-sectors “Judiciary and Fundamental Rights” and “Home Affairs”. The Judiciary and Fundamental Rights sector is divided into two sub-fields: (i) judiciary and (ii) fundamental rights.

The Directorate for EU Affairs has been identified as the Lead Institution in the Fundamental Rights Sub-Field in line with the Presidential Circular No. 2019/20 on the Management of Pre-Accession Funds from the EU and Participation in EU Union Programmes. In this context, the Department for Political Affairs under the Directorate for EU Affairs carries out programming and monitoring activities within the scope of Fundamental Rights Sub-Field.

There are three priority areas for the Fundamental Rights Sub-Field:

Proirity Area 1

Strengthening institutional capacity in the field of fundamental rights

Proirity Area 2

Strengthening coordination between institutions and stakeholders in the field of fundamental rights

Proirity Area 3

Strengthening the protection of vulnerable groups