IPA III Fundamental Rights

IPA III Fundamental Rights

As a candidate country, Turkey is among the beneficiaries of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA-III) 2021-2027. 

Article 3 of the IPA III Regulation lays down the general and special objectives of the IPA.Annex-2 of the IPA III Regulation sets out the main thematic priorities of financial assistance and these priorities are reflected in the Programming Framework Document, which is the EU Commission’s overarching strategic document for the use of EU funds.

Accordingly, there are five thematic windows and different thematic priorities under these windows in the IPA III period.

Window 1

Rule of law, fundamental rights and democracy

Window 2

Good governance, EU acquis alignment, good neighbourly relations and strategic communication

Window 3

Green agenda and sustainable connectivity

Window 4

Competitiveness and inclusive growth

Window 5

Territorial and cross-border cooperation

Window 1: Rule of Law, Fundamental Rights and Democracy

In the IPA III Programming Framework Document published by the EU Commission, the content of Window 1 is comprehensively specified.

The thematic priorities of the Window 1 are:


2-Fight against corruption

3-Fight against organised crime / security,

4-Migration and border management

5-Fundamental rights


According to the Programming Framework Document, the scope of Window 1 is summarized as below.

The main aim of the IPA III under Window 1 is to strengthen the rule of law, democracy, the respect of human rights and international law, civil society and security as well as to improve migration management including border management.

Maintaining reforms in the area of rule of law, judiciary, fundamental rights and democracy and migration management continue to be key priorities in the enlargement process.

These areas are included in the Chapter of Judiciary and Fundamental Rights (Chapter 23) and the Chapter of Justice, Freedom and Security (Chapter (24) under the Cluster 1 on Fundamentals. 

Providing a robust level of security, including fostering law enforcement as well as judicial cooperation in civil and

criminal matters, strengthening police cooperation and fight against organised crime, cybercrime, , terrorism, violent extremism and gender based violence remain crucial while upholding fundamental rights. In this context, EU’s assistance to the candidate countries focuses on further developing the legislative framework, in line with relevant international conventions, strengthening relevant institutions and capacities, and continue encouraging IPA III beneficiaries to step up operational cooperation with the aim of establishing a convincing track-record and concrete results.

On the other hand, civil society remains a crucial partner in strengthening democratic societies. Therefore, IPA III supports both the creation of an enabling environment for a strong and vibrant civil society and the capacities of civil society itself. The projects to be proposed under this Window should be designed in a way to assess, address and mainstream gender equality, with special consideration to combating all forms of sexual and gender-based violence, promoting gender equality and empowering girls and women. The projects to be prepared by the candidate countries in this area should be prepared by taking into account the country reports regularly published by the EU Commission.


Thematic Priority:
Fundamental Rights

The scope of the Fundamental rights thematic priority within the scope of IPA III, determined by the Programming Framework Document, is summarized below.

The specific objective of IPA III is to ensure the alignment of the legal framework with EU and international standards as well as to establish a solid track-record in respecting fundamental rights. 

IPA III support prioritises the correct implementation of all the rights and freedoms set out in the European Convention on Human Rights and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

In the IPA III beneficiary countries, support will be given to establishment and effective and independent functioning of all the relevant structures for the promotion and protection of human rights, including the Ministries for Human Rights, National Human Rights Institutions and equality bodies, and the Ombudsperson.

Ensuring gender equality and preventing discrimination and gender-based violence are among key priorities. To this end, IPA III will support the set-up of effective institutions and systems in order to ensure all women and girls to be free from violence and to have equal rights and freedoms.IPA III support in the fight against violence will focus on bridging the gaps between the legislation and its full and proper implementation.

Fight against discrimination against children, women, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups remains an important priority pursuant to Article 14 of the ECHR.

Promoting and protecting freedom of expression and the independence of media as a pillar of democracy is an important priority. Moreover, the fight against disinformation is fundamental to maintain a democratic and open society.

Under IPA III, support will be provided to improve the rights of the child and support persons with disabilities, as well as to improve access to justice, the standards of post-penal care, the use of alternative sanctions, the conditions in prisons, the rights of prisoners and the enforcement and probation services.

Steps on children rights (including adoption of strategies) and protecting children with disabilities, children in institutional care and children belonging to vulnerable groups from violence, neglect and exploitation remain among priorities.

Under the fundamental rights thematic priority, support is also provided to ensure that fight against hate speech, including hate speech online, and violence continues, and that data protection legislation is fully in line with the EU standards and is applied in a consistent manner both online and offline, including in law enforcement and crime prevention.

Moreover, the correct implementation of legislation on procedural rights in line with the EU acquis will also be an area of focus under IPA III.

Source: Programming Framework Document