
Fundemental Rights Sub-Field Sector Monitoring Commitee

Sectoral Monitoring Committee (SMC) for Fundamental Rights Sub-Field executes activities for strategic monitoring in the sub-field level, meeting twice a year to review effectiveness, efficiency, quality, coherence, coordination and compliance of the implementation of the actions and key issues related to implementation and progress.

The composition and the procedures of the SMCs comply with Article 53 of the Framework Agreement and the Rules of Procedures of the SMC. The Directorate for EU Affairs, Department for Political Affairs as the Lead Institution and the EU Delegation to Türkiye co-chair the SMC meetings. CFCU, NIPAC, NAO, end-beneficiaries and other relevant national authorities and bodies are the members of the SMC.

As the LI, the Department for Political Affairs of the Directorate for EU Affairs provides secretariat of the SMCs as well.

The SMC meetings of the Fundamental Rights Sub-Field under IPA II period are as follows:

Sector Monitoring Committee Meetings:

  1. Meeting: 11 October 2016
  2. Meeting: 6 June 2017
  3. Meeting:1 November 2017
  4. Meeting:30 May 2018
  5. Meeting:22 October 2018
  6. Meeting:20 May 2019
  7. Meeting:15 October 2019
  8. Meeting:9 October 2020
  9. Meeting:13 November 2020
  10. Meeting: 25 May 2021
  11. Meeting: 12 November 2021
  12. Meeting: 24 May 2022
  13. Meeting: 29 November 2022