IPA Temel Haklar – Bülten 4

Celebrating 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye!

The Republic of Türkiye Celebrating 100 Years!

We celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye with great enthusiasm and excitement.

During the week of October 23-29, we shared 100 years of achievements of our Republic on our social media accounts.

We commemorate with gratitude first our Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the heroes of the War of Independence who contributed to the founding of our Republic.

Long Live the Republic!

Together for Fundamental Rights: Have You Watched IPA Fundamental Rights Video?

Would you like to accompany us in the journey of our dandelion flower, symbolising the rights and freedoms? As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Republic with pride and joy, we share our promotional video regarding IPA Fundamental Rights, which directly contributes to Türkiye’s EU accession process!

We will continue to grow together with our stakeholders and to work for improving and strengthening of fundamental rights.

Together for Fundamental Rights!

Completed Project Activities

Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform Meeting

IPA Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform Meeting was held on 30 October 2023 with the participation of representatives from stakeholder institutions.

Following the opening speech by Ms. Çağrı Çakır, Head of the Department for Political Affairs, information shared on the activities related to the sector coordination platform, IPA Fundamental Rights projects and the achievements of the projects.

The representatives of relevant public institutions also shared information on the strategies and action plans being implemented in the field of fundamental rights.

In addition, the upcoming projects planned to be carried out in the field of Fundamental Rights as well as the priorities of the projects were discussed in the meeting. 

In addition to institutions active in the field of Fundamental Rights, the representatives of institutions such as the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change, the Ministry of Health, international organisations and NGOs also shared their opinions.

Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform Advisory Board Meeting

IPA Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform Advisory Board Meeting was held on 10 October 2023.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Family and Social Services, the Ministry of Interior, the Ombudsman Institution and the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye as well as the representatives of international organisations active in the field of fundamental rights such as the Council of Europe’s Office in Ankara, the United Nations (UN) Children’s Fund, the UN Development Programme, UN Women’s Office in Türkiye, UN Population Fund and the Delegation of the EU to Türkiye.

We expected to provide guidance to the platform activities and increase the effectiveness of coordination efforts via the Advisory Board Meetings which are organised to discuss the activities of the Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Platform as well as the priority areas for future projects.

Thematic Meetings Continue!

Thematic meetings organised to discuss sectoral achievements, good practices, problems and solutions and possible project ideas continued with the last two meetings held in the thematic areas of Digital Rights and Horizontal Issues.

Public institutions, international organisations and relevant NGOs attended the Digital Rights meeting held on 25 July 2023. At the meeting, the activities carried out by the public institutions in this field and latest developments were discussed while project ideas for the upcoming period and cooperation opportunities were evaluated.

At the Horizontal Issues Thematic Meeting held on 5 September 2023, ongoing activities and current developments in the fields of business and human rights, environment and climate change and disaster risk management were discussed.

A total of 296 people (194 women and 102 men) attended the thematic meetings, since the beginning in January to September 2023.

Fundamental Rights Training Programmes for Law Enforcement Completed!

The trainings for capacity improvement of law enforcement on fundamental rights started with the training held in Zonguldak on 21-22 August.

The first training for law enforcement was followed by the training in Ankara on 25-26 September, in Kars on 2-3 October, in İzmir on 16-17 October and in İstanbul on 13-14 November.

A total of 202 (64 women and 138 men) representatives of the Turkish National Police and the Gendarmerie General Command, from 28 provinces attended the 5 trainings.

Information on the EU acquis for the promotion and protection of fundamental rights, combatting violence against women and domestic violence, freedom of assembly and association, and prevention of torture and ill-treatment was provided in the trainings.

OECD Sigma Workshop Organised

The Workshop for the Introduction of the OECD SIGMA Strategy Toolkit in Relations to Fundamental Rights was organised on 18-19 September 2023 with the participation of a total of 29 people (18 women, 11 men) from the stakeholder institutions.

In parallel with the content and method of the SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) Programme, practical information, recommendations and a roadmap was shared for the people participating in the development and implementation of sector strategies in the public sector.

In order to ensure a correct understanding of the Toolkit, information about the concepts was provided through presentations and case studies in the Workshop.

News from IPA Fundamental Rights

Türkiye: One of the 23 OECD Countries Successful in Implementing the Gender-Responsive Budgeting!

As a result of the activities carried out with the contributions of the “Implementing Gender-Responsive Planning and Budgeting in Türkiye” Project, implemented under IPA Fundamental Rights Sub-Field, the principle of gender-responsive budgeting was added to the 12th Development Plan and Investment Programme Preparation Guide in addition to the general and local budget preparation guides.

As a result of these developments, Türkiye was among the 23 countries that implemented gender-responsive budgeting in “Gender-Sensitive Budgeting in OECD Countries” report published recently by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Constitutional Court Project Activities Continue

Activities of the “Supporting the Effective Implementation of Turkish Constitutional Court Judgments in the Field of Fundamental Rights” project continue.

An international conference was held on 13 October 2023, on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the individual application mechanism, and the impact of the individual application decisions on judicial processes and fundamental rights was discussed.

Furthermore, with the collaboration of the Constitutional Court and Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye, workshops on “Taxation from the Perspective of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights” and “Prohibition of Discrimination at Working Life under the Light of Constitutional Court Decisions” were respectively on 29 September 2023 and 18-19 December 2023.

The Programming Activities of Fundamental Rights Sector Continue

Fundamental Rights programming activities continued with the programming of the year 2024. The Programming package consisting of the project proposals designed in collaboration with the relevant institutions was submitted to the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye.

Current Developments on Fundamental Rights in the EU

Council Conclusions on “Digital Empowerment to Protect and Enforce Fundamental Rights in the Digital Age” Were Published

The Council of the EU calls on member countries to continue their efforts in combating online hate speech and hate crimes by emphasizing that digital transformation should create a fair and inclusive society throughout the EU and thus contribute to the achievement of equality.

The Council invites the European Commission to monitor the strict enforcement of provisions related to online disinformation and illegal content under the Digital Services Act and regularly assess the implementation of strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation and the Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online.

Since mainstreaming of digital empowerment across all EU policies is emphasized, the Council Conclusions will play an important role in the near future.

The Council of the EU and the European Parliament Have Reached a Provisional Agreement on the Proposal of Artificial Intelligence Act

The proposal for Act introduces comprehensive measures to ensure that artificial intelligence systems to be implemented throughout the EU are reliable and respect fundamental rights. The proposal particularly aims at high-risk artificial intelligence providers conducting a fundamental rights impact analysis prior to putting an artificial intelligence system into use, thus aiming better protection of rights.

The proposal for act is the first comprehensive legislative initiative in this field globally and expected to set global standards in this area.

EU Children’s Participation Platform Organised its First Large Meeting in Brussels

The EU Children’s Participation Platform organised its first big meeting in Brussels with children from across Europe, to discuss the issues important to them, and about the EU as well as to talk about how children can shape the future and direction of the EU.

This meeting, called the General Assembly, aimed at encouraging children to become active citizens in democratic societies. During this assembly, children also shared suggestions, opinions, and ideas on how to enhance children’s participation across Europe.

Legislative Procedures on the European Media Freedom Act Continue

European Parliament adopted its position on the European Media Freedom Act on 3 October 2023.

The act was constructed on the principles of protecting media against interference, prohibiting the use of spyware against journalists, requiring media outlets to be transparent about ownership and fair allocation of state advertising.

Parliament aims to mandate member states to ensure media plurality and safeguard media independence from governmental, political, economic or private interference.

Work on the Directive Establishing The European Disability Card is Reaching its Final Stages

Council of EU agreed its negotiating position on the directive establishing the European disability card and the European parking card for persons with disabilities.

The proposal for Directive envisages ensuring equal access to special conditions or preferential treatment, such as reduced or zero entry fees, priority access, assistance and reserved parking spaces provided to persons with disabilities during short stays across the EU.

Final negotiations on the Proposal for a Directive establishing the European Disability Card to be used as a disability document across the EU are expected to start at the beginning of 2024.

No Place for Hate: A Europe United Against Hatred

The European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy published the Joint Communication “No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred” on 6 December 2023.

The Communication, emphasizing the need to intensify combatting against all forms of hatred, also calls for the finalization of the new reinforced Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online as early 2024.

The Commission’s Coordinators for anti-racism, anti-semitism and anti-Muslim hatred will be tasked with a strengthened mandate as “Envoys”, to maximize the potential of EU policies to combat all forms of hatred.

Future Activities

Ongoing Preparations for the “Fundamental Rights Strategy Toolkit” Workshop

The preparations for the “Fundamental Rights Strategy Toolkit” continue. The toolkit, prepared for the use of institutions active in the field of fundamental rights, will be introduced to stakeholder institutions at a workshop to be held in 2024.

Fundamental Rights Online Meetings Begin!

The Sector Coordination Project continues to gather international human rights mechanisms and Turkish institutions in the field of fundamental rights. In the upcoming period, online meetings with the participation of the representatives of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, European Commission, United Nations and the Council of Europe will be organized. Turkish institutions will be will be informed about the mandate of these institutions on the Fundamental rights as well as their studies in certain themes of fundamental rights.

We Are Ready for Four More Months! Our Focus on Fundamental Rights in Disaster Management

The devastating earthquakes in Türkiye have been a tragic reminder that we must be prepared for disasters in every dimension possible.

Within the scope of our project, we will work to ensure that the preparation works for disasters, management of disasters and post-disaster rehabilitation activities are carried out in a manner that is sensitive to fundamental rights and equality between men and women, and that groups with special needs are taken into consideration.


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