Brief Description of the Project and Main Objectives
The overall objective of the project is to enable the transition to civilian and democratic oversight of internal security system based on good governance principles and a human-centered understanding of security and public safety.
The specific objective of the project is to institutionalize the civilian and democratic oversight of law enforcement and to include citizen-oriented participatory planning and practices in this process in accordance with the EU acquis and best international practices.
Achieved Results / Expected Outputs
- Developing a legal framework for law enforcement officers to operate in an accountable and transparent manner in light of the principles of civil and democratic oversight and accountability and best practices set by EU and international standards
- Preparing a five-year organizational strategy for the oversight of law enforcement officers in Türkiye
- Developing a performance evaluation system by the Ministry of Interior based on specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-dependent indicators that will provide consistency in the evaluation of law enforcement officers
- Developing a legal framework for the National Crime Prevention Office based on an analysis of compliance with EU standards and practices
- Establishing Local Prevention and Security Boards in 10 new provinces / districts
- Providing training programs on civilian / democratic oversight and citizen-oriented security services to 500 professional staff from the Ministry of Interior and law enforcement
- Developing an effective and fully operational Parliamentary oversight strategy for law enforcement
- Raising awareness of citizens, civil society and the local media on civilian and democratic oversight
- Improving the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy curriculum in terms of civilian and democratic oversight issues
- Within the scope of the activities carried out under the project, the relevant legal framework was reviewed and a draft legislation was prepared for the establishment of the National Crime Prevention Office.
- Moreover, the number of Local Prevention and Security Boards established in the previous phases of the project was increased to 19. In line with capacity building activities, 500 staff from the Ministry of Interior and law enforcement officers were trained.
Proje kapsamında yürütülen faaliyetler kapsamında, ilgili yasal çerçeve gözden geçirilmiş ve Ulusal Suç Önleme Ofisinin kurulmasına yönelik olarak taslak mevzuat hazırlanmıştır.
Ayrıca, projenin önceki aşamalarında kurulan Yerel Güvenlik ve Önleme Kurullarının sayısı 19’a çıkarılmıştır.
Kapasite geliştirme faaliyetleri doğrultusunda, İçişleri Bakanlığının 500 personeli ve kolluk kuvvetleri personeli eğitilmiştir.